Piotr Matuszewski


Piotr Matuszewski
tel. +48 (24) 356 30 25 ext. 1
mob. 502 143 143

Dariusz Frątczak


Dariusz Frątczak
tel. +48 (24) 356 30 25 ext. 1
mob. 500 311 643


In this category you will find external audio interfaces that allow you to record audio on your computer, laptop, workstation or other type of device. A USB audio interface is a type of external sound card, adapter or pick-up, equipped with XLR, jack, phono or other type of microphone/linear inputs, and A/D converters that convert analog sound into a digital signal. This makes it possible to save the soundtrack in digital form and further process it, mastering, modulating or adding effects on a computer. Explore single-channel and two-channel audio interfaces for homerecording and multi-channel audio interfaces for professional recording studios, vocal or instrument recording, USB audio interfaces with Hi-Z input for guitar recording, and portable audio interfaces for mobile use from reputable brands.

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